I say, "Ferrari!"
What comes to mind?
-Sports car
The list of complimentary associations with "Ferrari" goes on...
Now, what about "Ferrari FF"?
Ok, ok.... it's not
bad, but to me, it's just not Ferrari. The successor to the 612 Scaglietti, called the FF for Ferrari Four - four seats and 4WD - is the first four wheel, versatile Ferrari ever. In that respect, it's a novelty, and being a Ferrari, you know it will deliver. According to Ferrari, "the new car represents not so much an evolution as a true revolution". Revolution indeed. A drastic action or change - anarchy, bloodshed, coup d' état, tumult... that's what comes to my mind when I think of revolution. Of course, it's ultimate intent is generally to provide masses with something better (whether it be sociological, political, economical.....) but still. Gosh Ferrari, you are such a rebel.
How about a green FF for your viewing pleasure?

Now lets move on to some basic automotive design inspired mathematics. I propose the following basic addition:
BMW Z3 coupe + Porsche Panamera + not so pretty = Ferrari FF

BMW Z3 Coupe


And last, but not least, have you seen the commercials for this car? I ask you, would you go offroading in the snow with your Ferrari?