He turned on his hazzards and tried to get someone to stop and help him.
Eventually, a Lamborghini Coutach pulls up. "Any chance I could get a lift into town?" asks the mini-van driver.
In typical cocky Lamborghini owner fashion, the driver replies "I can do better than that. I have a V-12; I can tow you into town. Just flash your lights and honk if i'm going to fast."
They head off and some time later pull up at a stop light. A Ferrari F40 with a V-10 pulls up beside them.
The F40 begins to rev its engine to get the Coutach to race.
The Countash revs its engine and the light turns green.
They fly out there, and about half a mile in, they pass a speed trap.
The officer there watches them pass and radios to base saying, "Base, you will not believe what I just saw. A F40 and a Coutach were driving down the road, doing about 120 with a mini-van honking its horn and flashing its lights trying to pass them."

Courtesy of Joke Buddha.
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